
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And wham!

Ravings: You know how life just sometimes smacks you right in the face? It feels like when you are a kid playing on the playground and out of nowhere a ball that feels like it could hold its own in a race against a jet plants itself firmly against your nose. Yes, I had that happen and can still remember the feeling. You are sort of numb at first, unsure of what just happened. The actual pain hasn’t registered with your brain and you just stand there confused. That is how I am feeling today. Dazed.

The worst part is that it’s not something I can even talk about (read: blab to the world in my blog).

Rest assured, I will deal with this with wine and chocolate. Amazingly yummy gourmet chocolate that my sister brought me as a thank you gift from New York for watching her kids. My sister rocks at gift giving! I wonder how long I would have to babysit to get a hot tub??

Cravings: I did manage to whip some relatively healthy and delicious food together for dinner last night, given that I haven’t been home since Thursday and can’t even remember the last time I was at the grocery store. I did have some leftover mushroom, lentil, barley soup in the freezer, so I warmed that up. This soup was made pre-blogging, so I don’t have the recipe, but it was yummy so I’ll make another one and share when I do. I added to that some sautéed Italian sausage with onions and apples. I just sliced some onion and apples and sautéed it a bit in olive oil. I then added the cut up Italian sausage and cooked that through. I added a few Tbsp of beef broth at the end to deglaze the pan. I served that over the lentil soup.

I also made some beer bread that I adapted from a recipe I found on The only changes I made were using ½ all purpose flour and ½ whole wheat flour, and I cooked it in muffin cups, which cut the cooking time in half.

This is a good lesson in freezing your leftovers. Especially if your family is like mine and refuses to heat anything up out of the fridge!

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